Title: Request for Proposal (RFP) Documents for the Selection of Energy Service Company (ESCO) to Implement Street Lighting Project in the City of Bhubaneswar
Languages: English
Published: February 1, 2013
Region: South Asia (SA)
Country: India
Sectors: Subnational and Municipal
Keywords: Street lighting
Document Details:
RfP documents contain draft energy performance contract to be entered into by the local authority (Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation - BMC) and the ESCO (Contractor). The draft contract is based on the shared savings model. The Contractor undertakes to enhance the existing street lighting infrastructure, install cost-effective modern lamp technology, feeder panels for automation and metering, and to operate and maintain the street lighting system covering approximately 20,000 light fixtures. The construction period is 8 months from the effective date of the contract. The contract is for 10 years. Minimum value of guaranteed energy savings is 30%. Payments are based on the energy savings realized. The local authority pays fee from energy savings. ESCO would receive monthly payments out of 90 % of the energy savings realized plus and operation and maintenance fee for each light pole that is taken over by the ESCO under the contract.
Related Information:
Tracking Reference:
RFP_Documents _Selection_of_Energy Service Company _ Street Lighting Project _Bhubaneswar_EN_2013
Updated: March 24, 2021