Popular Resources

Ways to improve water services by making…

<p><span id="detail_abstract" sizcache="9" sizset="35">This review aims to… more

From PFI to PF2: the reform of the Public Private…

<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>From PFI to PF2: the reform of the Public Private Partnership model in the UK,… more

Utility Scale Solar Power Plants: A Guide for…

This guidebook is a best practice manual for utility-scale solar power plants in India. It focuses primarily on ground… more

Graphic explaining the contractual relationships…

<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><span><span>A graphic&nbsp;… more

Terms of Reference: Technical Due Diligence Wind…

<p>&nbsp;</p> <h3> &nbsp;</h3> <p>EXCERPT</p> <p><strong>I… more

US - summary of states that have enabling…

<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The map on the link identifies 33 U.S. States, District of Columbia, and one U.… more

Annex I - World Bank Standard Bid Evaluation…

<p>The evaluation forms and guide contained in this document provide step-by-step procedures for the evaluation… more

Nepal Telecommunications Authority (“NTA”)

The main website of the Nepal Telecommunications Authority. The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (“… more

Transmilenio Fase I contrato PPP para sistema…

Transporte público, transporte urbano masivo de pasajeros bajo la modalidad de operación troncal (bus rapid transit… more

Legal Framework for / and Examples of Empresas…

Empresas mixtas is a type of legal entity that gets financial funding from a private company as well as a government –… more

Law on Water Resources Management of the Kingdom…

Law on Water Resources Management of the Kingdom of Cambodia , enacted on 29 June 2007 – In its Articles 36 – 39, this… more