Title: Estudio de Caso - Contrato de mejoras integrales de los servicios de agua potable en el Distrito de Colón, Panamá

Languages: Spanish

Published: January 1, 2014

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Panama

Sectors: Water and Sanitation

Keywords: Contractual Provisions, Parties, Sector, Implementation, Contract, Legal issues, Water, Tender process


Document Summary:

Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF), October 2014 (Spanish).

 This report highlights the lessons learned in structuring and designing bidding documents for a performance-based water service improvement contract with a private operator in the water sector.

 The three-year contract aims to improve the water supply service in the second largest city of Panama, Colón. Under the contract, the private operator is supporting the technical, commercial and social management of the national water utility and executes directly a program of investment. It is a performance-based contract, where 30% of the remuneration depends on the actual results achieved against the following performance indicators: (i) production/capita, (ii) continuity, (iii) collection rate, (iv) meters coverage. 

 For more information on this sector visit Water and Sanitation PPPs

 Tracking Number: Panama_Estudio de Caso_Contrato de mejoras integrales servicios de agua potable_ES.pdf


Document Details:


Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF), October 2014 (Spanish).

This report highligths the lessons learned in structuring and designing bidding documents for a performance-based water service improvement contract with a private operator in the water sector.

The three-year contract aims to improve the water supply service in the second largest city of Panama, Colón. Under the contract, the private operator is supporting the technical, commercial and social management of the national water utility and executes directly a program of investment. It is a performance-based contract, where 30% of the remuneration depends on the actual results achieved against the following performance indicators: (i) production/capita, (ii) continuity, (iii) collection rate, (iv) meters coverage. 

For more information on this sector visit Water and Sanitation PPPs

Tracking Number: Panama_Estudio de Caso_Contrato de mejoras integrales servicios de agua potable_ES.pdf





Updated: March 28, 2021