Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
Country: Africa
Sector: Energy and Power
Topic: Pro-poor
Keywords: ALSF ***, PPPs by Sector *, Energy and Power PPPs **, Energy and Power, Renewable Energy
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Document Summary:
Understanding Power Project Procurement, Commercial Law Development Program (CLP) in partnership with the African Legal Support Facility - Fourth handbook in Power Africa's "Understanding" series, Understanding Power Project Financing
Document Details:
This handbook is intended to provide the reader with an overview of the mechanisms and strategy behind successful Power Project Procurements. It explores the complexity of procuring privately-owned power projects and describes the approaches that public procuring entities can use to establish and sustain power projects, including the advantages and disadvantages of the alternatives. It also describes how these entities can implement these alternatives. Refers specifically to renewable energy projects and includes a chapter on feed-in tariffs.
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