Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
Country: Tanzania
Sectors: Energy and Power
Topics: Procurement
Keywords: Sector, Solar power, Tender process, Community engagement, Energy and Power PPPs **
Tanzania-Pre-Investment Survey For Sustainable Solar Market Packages Project bytes
Document Details:
Pre-Investment Surveys
Tanzania-Pre-Investment Survey For Sustainable Solar Market Packages Project (Undated, 42 pages). A detailed interview guide for conducting a socio-economic survey of communities that could be candidates for community and household solar installations under a World Bank financed program. The survey is designed to provide information that would help in selecting communities that are more likely to be willing to pay for and benefit from the subsidized solar systems.
For more information about this sector, please visit Public–Private Partnerships in Energy and Power.
Tracking Number: Tanzania-Pre-Investment Survey Sustainable Solar Market_Undated_English
Image by Pixabay
Updated: October 25, 2021