Title: Request for Proposal for the award of grants and concessions to eligible mini-grid developers for the design, construction and operation of renewable energy mini-grids

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Agreement

Published: September 1, 2019

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Haiti

Sector: Energy and Power

Topic: Fragile and Conflict-Affected States

Keywords: PPPs by Topic *, PPPs in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States (FCS) **, Haiti

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

This Proposal Concept (PC) form covers the first step of the application process helping the PHARES Program (Programme Haïtien d'Accès des communautés Rurales à l'Energie Solaire) to learn more about the Applicant’s organization, its partners and the planned project, focusing on its overall concept and objectives.

Document Details:

The main objective of PHARES is to increase the access of rural and peri-urban communities to solar energy and in particular to provide access to affordable, accessible sustainable and high quality electricity, through sustainable energy services, through mini-grids using renewable energy, storage and conventional generation units (if necessary), developed and operated by private sector operators. In this mix, at least 50% of the energy produced and consumed must be generated from renewable energy sources. The Program provides subsidies to ensure the sustainability of the services provided and access to these services at affordable cost for the users.

Updated: August 1, 2024