Title: Renewable Energy in Latin America: Chile

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: February 1, 2017

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Chile

Sectors: Energy and Power

Topics: Climate-Smart

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Climate Smart, Energy and Power PPPs **



Renewable Energy in Latin America.pdf6.96 MB

Document Summary:

The Chilean renewables market has been the focus of much interest in recent years, as the industry reacts to the potential for growth and the offer of economic and political stability. As of December 2013, installed renewable capacity represented 6.3 per cent of the energy mix in Chile. By June 2016, this amount doubled, reaching 12.65 per cent of total electrical capacity (20,151 MW).

Document Details:

The renewable energy market in Chile is ready to make the leap towards greater development. This was evident in 2015, when the country attracted more than 50 per cent of total investment in the renewable market for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Find more at Climate-Smart PPPs and Energy and Power PPPs

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Updated: October 25, 2021