Title: Regras para o credenciamento e financiamento de luminárias LED para a PPP de Iluminação Pública do Município de São Paulo (Portuguese) (Accreditation / Financing Rules of Street Lightning - Sao Paulo)

Languages: Portuguese

Type: Document

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Brazil

Sectors: Energy and Power, Subnational and Municipal

Topics: SMEs, Procurement

Keywords: Legal Framework *, Local content, Renewable Energy, Street lighting, Local inclusion7), Local inclusion


Document Details:

Regulation and Methodology for the Accreditation and Calculation of Local Content of LED Fixtures in Computerized Supplier Accreditation of Brazilian Development Bank -BNDES. (Regulamento e Metodologia para o Credenciamento e Apuração de Conteúdo Local de Luminárias LED no Credenciamento de Fornecedores Informatizado (CFI) do BNDES (Portuguese) 

This Regulation derives from BNDES’s adoption of rules for the accreditation and financing of LED fixtures for Street lightning PPPs in Sao Paulo (Regras para o credenciamento e financiamento de luminárias LED para a PPP de Iluminação Pública do Município de São Paulo) .  

The Regulation establishes the rules, criteria and applicable procedures (Credenciamento de Luminárias LED) for the accreditation of LED fixtures and its suppliers under the BNDES’s  Accreditation Of Computerized SuppliersCredenciamento de Fornecedores Informatizado (CFI) in order to apply for the bank’s financing. 

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Updated: March 22, 2021