Title: Regras para o credenciamento e financiamento de equipamentos fotovoltaicos (Portuguese) (Rules for the Accreditation and Financing of Photovoltaic Equipment)

Languages: Portuguese

Type: Document

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Brazil

Sectors: Energy and Power

Topics: SMEs, Procurement

Keywords: Legal Framework *, Energy and Power, Private Sector, Solar power, Local content, Local inclusion


Document Details:

These Rules establish a minimum ratio of components and production processes required for the BNDES’s financial support on photovoltaic equipment, and accreditation and maintenance of Computerized Supplier Accreditation (CIF).

The Rules provide stages of local content that must be met by the fabricant for products made of crystal silicon and thin film, as well as percentages that must be met before set deadlines.

Related Information:


Tracking Reference:

Updated: March 22, 2021