Title: RailCorp Rolling Stock Public Private Partnership - Schedule of agreements

Languages: English

Type: Website

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: Australia

Sectors: Transportation

Keywords: Transport, Rail, Concession, PPPs for Transport **


Document Summary:

RailCorp entered into a rolling stock Public-Private Partnership (PPP) with Reliance Rail in December 2006.

The Reliance Rail consortium comprises equity partners Downer EDI, AMP Capital Investors, Royal Bank of Scotland Group and International Public Partnerships (formerly Babcock and Brown Partnerships).

Reliance Rail is supported by a team of industry specialists, including engineering and service organisations such as Downer EDI Rail and Hitachi.

Document Details:

What will Reliance Rail deliver?

Reliance Rail will deliver:

  • 626 carriages

  • a maintenance facility at Auburn

  • fleet maintenance for 30 years

  • simulators for crew training.

Contract Summary

RailCorp Rolling Stock PPP summary of contracts (9.33MB PDF)

Schedule of Agreements

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Find more @ Public-Private Partnerships for Transport

Image by Pixabay

Updated: October 25, 2021