Title: Output-Based Aid in Bangladesh: Solar Home Systems for Rural Households

Languages: English

Published: April 1, 2012

Region: South Asia (SA)

Country: Bangladesh

Sectors: Energy and Power

Keywords: Energy and Power, Solar power, Rural Electrification, Renewable Energy



Output-Based Aid in Bangladesh: Solar Home Systems for Rural Households1.05 MB

Document Details:

This PPP case demonstrates how OBA enabled a government enterprise in charge of sustainable energy investments to form PPPs for rural electrification of low-income households. Solar panel and other sustainable energy technology dealers became PPP operators for installation and long-term maintenance of the equipment while the government focused on quality assurance, convening partnership with GPOBA and other donors as well as coordination of electrical grid planning, making sure that the PPP operators do not work in the place where the grid is expected soon.

This note explores the distinctive features and results of the program and draws lessons for future projects.

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Updated: March 22, 2021