Title: Model Concession Agreement (MCA) State Ports - Overview of the Framework

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: India

Sectors: Transportation

Keywords: Legal Framework *, Ports


Document Details:

Model Concession Agreement (MCA) State Ports - Overview of the Framework, developed by the Planning Commission of the Indian Government. 

This overview spells out the policy and proposed contractual framework for building and operating a port on a Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Transfer (DBFOT) basis in India. It addresses the issues which are typically important for limited recourse financing of port infrastructure projects, such as mitigation and unbundling of risks; risk allocation; symmetry of obligations between the principal parties; precision and predictability of costs and obligations; reduction of transaction costs; force majeure; and termination. It also addresses other important concerns such as independent monitoring and supervision, dispute resolution and financial support and guarantees by the Government.


Related Information: 

PPPs in Ports / Port Reform


Tracking Reference: 

India_MCA Overview of the Framework_EN.pdf

Updated: March 27, 2021