Region: North America (NA)
Country: United States
Sectors: Transportation, Energy and Power
Keywords: Street lighting, Energy and Power PPPs **
Document Summary:
Project Agreement with Schedules between the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and Freeway Lighting Partners, LLC (Project Company) of 24 August 2015.
Document Details:
Contract term 15 years. Project Company to design, build and finance the improvements on existing freeway and tunnel lighting systems during a two year construction period and to operate and maintain the existing and improved lighting system for the remaining operating and maintenance period of 13 years. Private partner to hand back the lighting system to MDOT at the end of the contract term. MDOT to make Milestone Payments to the Project Company during the design and construction period and Service Payments to Project Company for performance of services during the operating and maintenance period. The Service Payment takes account of energy savings achieved by the Project Company.
Related Information:
Tracking Reference:
Metro-Region-Freeway_Lighting_PPP_DBFOM Project_Project_Agreement_with_Schedules_EN_2015
Image by Pixabay
Updated: October 5, 2021