Title: Decreto 7888 de 15 de Janeiro de 2013 (Portuguese)

Languages: Portuguese

Type: Document

Published: January 15, 2013

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Brazil

Topics: Procurement

Keywords: Legal Framework *, Private Sector, Legal issues, Contractual Provisions, Local content, Local inclusion, Sub-contracts, Local contractors


Document Details:


This Decree requires that the bidding documents and contracts used to carry out the urban mobility components included in the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) should provide for the mandatory purchase of domestic manufactured goods and national services according to the following criteria. For example:

  • At least 80% certain goods (rolling stock and embedded systems, functional and infrastructure systems of roadways and auxiliary systems of platforms, stations and offices) should be nationally manufactured
  • 100% certain services (engineering and architecture, urban planning and landscaping services) should be nationally procured

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Updated: August 25, 2020