Title: City Policy on Compensation of Minibus- Taxi and Other Operators (Policy Number 13776)

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 28, 2016

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Country: South Africa

Sectors: Transportation

Keywords: Legal Framework *, Transport, Urban transport


Document Details:

The new MyCiTi Integrated Rapid Transit System will largely displace the current road-based minibus-taxi and scheduled bus operators. Incorporating them in the new system is important in order to maintain livelihoods, but is also required because in terms of current legislation existing operators cannot be forced to give up their operating licenses. A key issue here is the compensation of existing operators as the new system is introduced. This policy sets out the principles involved in determining the level of compensation of existing operators. Considerations include the requirement to surrender the existing license or agree to remove certain routes from their license.

The desire to incorporate existing service providers as operators of the new system was set out in the initial Business Plan

Related Information:


Tracking Reference:

City Policy on Compensation of Minibus- Taxi and Other Operators (Policy Number 13776)_EN_2016

Updated: March 28, 2021