Bill 603 of 2003 Brazil Alternative Energy

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September 23,2009 draft submitted to Special Commission of Brazilian Congress by Workers’ Party Congressman Fernando Ferro of the State of Pernambuco redacting Bill 603 of 2003 - provides incentives to the generation of energy through alternative resources, renewables and bio-fuels; promotes research including with respect to: hybrid and electriccars, the storage of power and use of hydrogen and compressed gas; creates the National Fund for Alternative and Renewable Resources.

The Renewable Energy Policy for Uganda

Publication Year

In general, this policy seeks to diversify the energy supply sources and technologies in the country.

One of the key policy principles (Clause 3.3(8)) is Stakeholder Participation and the Poor which encourages the participation of communities in renewable energy projects and indicates that these should take into account the needs of the poor. Furthermore, as a policy objective, the document seeks to mainstream gender and poverty issues in renewable energy development strategies to improve the socio-economic wellbeing of women and the poor in general.

Expanding Renewable Energy Access with Pro-Poor Public-Private Partnerships in the Developing World

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Publication Year


This article explains 8 cases in which private capital was mobilized to provide renewable energy infrastructure to poor populations in different part of the world. The author indicates how renewable energy infrastructure has large upfront costs and what specific models of PPPs can be used to implement it. The author also elaborates on various case studies and their respective PPP models.

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Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission - Towards Building SOLAR INDIA

Publication Year

This is a governmental initiative to promote a shift from non-renewable sources of energy to renewable sources of energy. The initiative notes that Indian’s solar industry depends heavily on imported materials, and so sets up incentive packages to promote PV and thermal system manufacturing plants. In addition, the initiative points out the importance of small and medium enterprises in shifting manufacturing of these components to India, and calls for supporting SMEs through “soft loans for expansion of facilities, technology upgradation and working capital” (D.

Regulamento e Metodologia para o Credenciamento e Apuração de Conteúdo Local de Luminárias LED no Credenciamento de Fornecedores Informatizado (CFI) do BNDES (Portuguese) (Regulation and Methodology)

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Publication Year
Regulation and Methodology for the Accreditation and Calculation of Local Content of LED Fixtures in Computerized Supplier Accreditation of Brazilian Development Bank -BNDES. (Regulamento e Metodologia para o Credenciamento e Apuração de Conteúdo Local de Luminárias LED no Credenciamento de Fornecedores Informatizado (CFI) do BNDES (Portuguese)