Alternative Energy Auction of July 2011 – Regulation Portaria MME 113 of Feb 1, 2011

Publication Year

Authorizes ANEEL to organize alternative energy auctions on July 2011 and provides pre-qualification criteria for developers/investors interested in participating in the auction.

Durban Platform 2011

Publication Year
Establishment of an Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action

What is the ADP?

The Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) is a subsidiary body that was established by decision 1/CP.17 to develop a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the Convention applicable to all Parties.

Lessons Learned: Bangladesh Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development – SHS Project

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This PPP case demonstrates how OBA enabled a government enterprise in charge of sustainable energy investments to form PPPs for rural electrification of low-income households. Solar panel and other sustainable energy technology dealers became PPP operators for installation and long-term maintenance of the equipment while the government focused on quality assurance, convening partnership with GPOBA and other donors as well as coordination of electrical grid planning, making sure that the PPP operators do not work in the place where the grid is expected soon.


Output-Based Aid in Bangladesh: Solar Home Systems for Rural Households

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This PPP case demonstrates how OBA enabled a government enterprise in charge of sustainable energy investments to form PPPs for rural electrification of low-income households. Solar panel and other sustainable energy technology dealers became PPP operators for installation and long-term maintenance of the equipment while the government focused on quality assurance, convening partnership with GPOBA and other donors as well as coordination of electrical grid planning, making sure that the PPP operators do not work in the place where the grid is expected soon.

Bangladesh Solar Home Systems Grant Agreement

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Publication Year

This PPP case demonstrates how OBA enabled a government enterprise in charge of sustainable energy investments to form PPPs for rural electrification of low-income households. Solar panel and other sustainable energy technology dealers became PPP operators for installation and long-term maintenance of the equipment while the government focused on quality assurance, convening partnership with GPOBA and other donors as well as coordination of electrical grid planning, making sure that the PPP operators do not work in the place where the grid is expected soon.


Bangladesh - Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development Project (English)

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This PPP case demonstrates how OBA enabled a government enterprise in charge of sustainable energy investments to form PPPs for rural electrification of low-income households. Solar panel and other sustainable energy technology dealers became PPP operators for installation and long-term maintenance of the equipment while the government focused on quality assurance, convening partnership with GPOBA and other donors as well as coordination of electrical grid planning, making sure that the PPP operators do not work in the place where the grid is expected soon.

Scaling Up Blended Financing of Water and Sanitation Investments in Kenya

Publication Year
Publication Year

This PPP case demonstrates how OBA enabled the government to channel private funding for a development priority.  Community-based organizations grew into PPPs with fully commercial business models for delivering water in poor rural areas. A Kenyan micro finance bank provided loans, where part of the principal was paid by GPOBA once the service proved functional and part of credit default risk was guaranteed by USAID.

Bill 630/2003

Publication Year


The September 23,2009 draft submitted to Special Commission of Brazilian Congress by Workers’ Party Congressman Fernando Ferro of the State of Pernambuco redacting Bill 603 of 2003 - provides incentives to the generation of energy through alternative resources, renewables and bio-fuels; promotes research including with respect to: hybrid and electric cars, the storage of power and use of hydrogen and compressed gas; creates the National Fund for Alternative and Renewable Resources.