Checklist for Gender Mainstreaming in the Infrastructure Sector

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Publication Year
The purpose of this checklist is to provide a tool for effective mainstreaming of gender in infrastructure programs and projects to ensure that planning, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluations of infrastructure projects are gender-sensitive and -responsive.

The Future Energy Matrix and Renewable Energy - Implications for Energy and Food Security

Publication Year
Publication Year
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Trade and Development Board,Trade and Development Commission. 
Multi-year Expert Meeting on Commodities and Development: Second session
24–25 March 2010

Utility Scale Solar Power Plants: A Guide for Developers and Investors

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Publication Year
This guidebook is a best practice manual for utility-scale solar power plants in India. It focuses primarily on ground mounted, fixed tilt projects and also covers solar tracking system technology.

Natural Resources PPPs, Handshake Issue # 14

Publication Year
This issue focuses on PPPs that manage and preserve natural resources such as water and forests. Projects include a hybrid-public private agency that has standardized water services and restored the coast in Cartagena, Colombia, and an environmental management initiative around Africa's Lake Victoria that aims to reduce pollution and the resouce footprint of industrial activities. The issue also includes interviews with 2014 Stockholm Water Laureate John Briscoe, science correspondent M. Sanjayan and Jean-Michel Cousteau.

South Africa's Renewable Energy IPP Procurement Program: Success Factors and Lessons

Publication Year
The South African Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP) is a competitive tender process that was designed to facilitate private sector investment into grid-connected renewable energy (RE) generation in South Africa. Part A of this report serves as a comprehensive handbook of the REIPPPP's design, implementation and outcomes to date.