Annotated Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) prepared by Sustainable Power Group (sPower)

Publication Year
Power purchase agreement developed by sPower, an independent power producer, for the construction, operation and maintenance of a solar powered electric generating project, and sale of the electric energy produced by the project.

Mixed Private-Public Ownership Companies “Empresa Mixta”

Publication Year

The first empresa mixta in the water sector was Aguas de Alicante S.A., founded in 1953 and today called Aguas Municipalazadas de Alicante, Empresa Mixta (AMAEM). The private partner, Aguas de Barcelona (AGBAR), later took its successful experience in Spain to Latin America. Experience has shown that the empresa mixta model can be a publicly more acceptable form of PPP since it allows the public sector to retain a certain level of control.

工具集:构建私营部门参与小型供水项目建设合同架构 (Toolkit: Structuring PSP Contracts for Small Scale Water Projects)

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Publication Year



Related Information:

Public-Private Partnerships and the Poor - Private Sector Participation and the Poor: 1. Strategy

Publication Year


The first part of the report captures analysis of some strategies on "Private Sector Participation and the Poor". It includes a study on several water sector public-private partnerships mainly where the management of the project was transferred to the private company to identify recurring issues in such projects.

Related Information:

Public-Private Partnerships and the Poor - Private Sector Participation and the Poor: 2: Implementation

Publication Year

The second part of the report discusses "Private Sector Participation and the Poor" and analyzes the stages of private sector participation and the relevant contracts, the key constraints in implementing the same and the capacity of these projects to fill some gaps and issues that may exist around the impacts of PPP on poor consumers.

Public private partnerships and the poor: private sector participation and the poor: 1: strategy

Public-Private Partnerships and the Poor - Private Sector Participation and the Poor: 3. Regulation

Publication Year


This third part of the report "Private Sector Participation and the Poor" covers analysis on water regulations and its significance in the lives of poor. It has several sections such as the regulatory process, practical experiences in setting up regulations in low-income environment and selection of past projects.

Public private partnerships and the poor: private sector participation and the poor: 1: strategy

Circular - Project Development, Avoided Cost Tariff and Standardized PPA for Biomass Power Projects

Publication Year
Publication Year

Circular - Project Development, Avoided Cost Tariff and Standardized PPA for Biomass Power Projects of 9 December 2015. Standardized document developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam and Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) through their MOIT/GIZ Energy Support Program.

Structurer les contrats de participation du secteur privé (PSP) aux petits projets d’approvisionnement en eau : Une boîte à outils

Publication Year
Publication Year
Dans les pays en développement, les autorités publiques de l’eau doivent relever un redoutable défi : honorer leur obligation de fournir des services de distribution d’eau aux habitants des zones rurales isolées, des zones périurbaines et des petites villes. Ainsi, même dans les pays où le secteur de l’eau a été décentralisé, les communautés locales ont de plus en plus tendance ces dernières années à passer des accords avec des opérateurs privés pour assurer la fourniture de services de distribution d’eau de petite envergure. On reconnaît aujourd’hui que les opérateurs privés sont peut-être mieux placés pour assurer ces services dans des localités isolées, car ils sont plus près des sites d’intervention et potentiellement mieux à même de rendre compte de leur gestion aux usagers. Les opérateurs locaux privés ont parfois aussi la possibilité de mobiliser des sources de financement supplémentaires, aux conditions du marché.