Starting a Pro-Poor Public-Private Partnership For a Basic Urban Service

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This is a guideline that indicates 4 key steps to start up a pro-poor PPP to deliver basic services in an urban area. The steps are:

  1. Build understanding;
  2. Analyze context;
  3. Develop Initial PPP model; and
  4. Design a process. Each of them is explained in detail in the document.

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Do pro-poor policies increase water coverage? An analysis of service delivery in Kampala’s informal settlements

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This document studies the impact of pro-poor policies on water coverage in Uganda in the water sector. The policies discussed are implemented by the National Water and Sewerage Corporation, particularly in informal settlements in Kampala City.

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Circular - Project Development, Avoided Cost Tariff and Standardized PPA for Biomass Power Projects

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Circular - Project Development, Avoided Cost Tariff and Standardized PPA for Biomass Power Projects of 9 December 2015. Standardized document developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam and Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) through their MOIT/GIZ Energy Support Program.

Cartilha sobre as Exigências de Aquisição Mínima de Produtos Manufaturados e Serviços Nacionais - Ações de Mobilidade Urbana do Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento – PAC (Portuguese)

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(Handbook on the Minimum Acquisition Requirements for Manufactured Products and National Services - Urban Mobility Components of the Growth Acceleration Program.) 

This handbook gathers the different guidelines established for the application and correct interpretation of those legal documents that refer to the minimum acquisition requirements of nationally manufactured products and national services under PAC.

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Decreto 7888 de 15 de Janeiro de 2013 (Portuguese)

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This Decree requires that the bidding documents and contracts used to carry out the urban mobility components included in the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) should provide for the mandatory purchase of domestic manufactured goods and national services according to the following criteria. For example: