Title: Cartilha sobre as Exigências de Aquisição Mínima de Produtos Manufaturados e Serviços Nacionais - Ações de Mobilidade Urbana do Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento – PAC (Portuguese)

Languages: Portuguese

Published: July 1, 2015

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Brazil

Keywords: Legal Framework *, Contractual Provisions, Parties, Sector, Private Sector, Legal issues, Local content, Local inclusion


Document Details:


(Handbook on the Minimum Acquisition Requirements for Manufactured Products and National Services - Urban Mobility Components of the Growth Acceleration Program.) 

This handbook gathers the different guidelines established for the application and correct interpretation of those legal documents that refer to the minimum acquisition requirements of nationally manufactured products and national services under PAC.

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Updated: August 25, 2020