International Finance Corporation’s Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability

IFC's Environmental and Social Performance Standards define IFC clients' responsibilities for managing their environmental and social risks.

The 2012 edition of IFC's Sustainability Framework, which includes the Performance Standards, applies to all investment and advisory clients whose projects go through IFC's initial credit review process after January 1, 2012.


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NDC Platform

Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) identify the post-2020 voluntary national climate targets, including mitigation and adaptation, which countries committed to and which will become a binding Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) when a country ratifies the Paris Agreement.


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Res Legal Europe – Legal Sources on Renewable Energy

The database covers all three energy sectors: electricity, heating & cooling and transport. It provides a quick overview of the different national regulations regarding renewable energy sources in a clear, concise and convenient way and links to the original legal sources in their original language as well as link to a translation of the law if available.

Find more @ Energy and Power PPPs and Climate-Smart PPPs

Sustainable Resource Initiative (SRI)

The SRI was the EBRD’s response to these resource challenges from 2012 to 2015. The SRI financed energy efficiency, renewable energy, and adaptation projects through the Bank’s Sustainable Energy Initiative which was launched in 2006.

In addition, the SRI drove water and materials efficiency, including through the promotion of recycling and the reuse of waste streams. The focus on water efficiency was particularly relevant as the EBRD developed its activity in the southern and eastern Mediterranean region, and further grows it in Central Asia.



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