




Energy-Efficient Street Lighting PPPs

Street lighting is an essential public service typically provided by public authorities at the sub-national and municipal level. Cities are increasingly investing in energy-efficient street lighting systems to replace or enhance their outdated systems. While reliable and bright public lighting reduces accidents and crime and allows for economic activity after sunset, modern energy-efficient street-lighting technology can also lower energy consumption as well as operation and maintenance costs significantly. Many different models have been developed world wide to deliver energy-efficient street lighting projects, including public-private partnerships. This section looks at sample contracts, bidding documents, policies, laws and regulations, and other tools related to street lighting projects.

Les PPP dans le domaine de la technologie propre

Dans cette section, le site du PPPLRC met l'accent sur les projets de PPP dédiés à la menace du changement climatique grâce à l’intégration de caractéristiques visant à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et à s’adapter aux impacts de ce changement climatique.

Renewable Energy Toolkits

In this section, you'll find links to toolkits for evaluating and setting up public-private partnerships for renewable energy.