Title: ANEEL

Language: Portuguese

Type: Website

Nature: Government Website, Other PPP Reference

Published: October 20, 2019

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Brazil

Sector: Energy and Power

Topic: Climate-Smart

Keywords: Climate Smart, Renewable Energy, Energy and Power PPPs **

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

The National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL), a special regime autarchy linked to the Ministry of Mines and Energy, was created to regulate the Brazilian electricity sector through Law No. 9,427 / 1996  and  Decree No. 2,335 / 1997 .

Document Details:

ANEEL started its activities in December 1997, having as main attributions:

  • Regulate the generation (production), transmission, distribution and sale of electricity;
  • Oversee , directly or through agreements with state agencies, the concessions, permits and electricity services;
  • Implement federal government policies and guidelines regarding the exploitation of electric energy and the utilization of hydraulic potentials;
  • Set tariffs ;
  • Settle administrative differences between agents and between those agents and consumers, and
  • Promote the activities of  concession , permission and authorization of ventures and services of electricity, by delegation of the Federal Government.

Image by HarryStueber from Pixabay

Updated: October 25, 2021