A Policymaker’s Guide to Feed-In-Tariff Policy Design

This policymaker’s guide provides a detailed analysis of FIT policy design and implementation and identifies a set of best practices that have been effective at quickly stimulating the deployment of large amounts of RE generation. Although the discussion is aimed primarily at decision makers who have decided that a FIT policy best suits their needs, exploration of FIT policies can also help inform a choice among alternative renewable energy policies. This paper builds on previous analyses of feed-in tariff policy design, most notably by Resch et al. 2006, Klein et al. 2008, Held et al.

The Brazilian Power Market: An Interesting Investment Regime for Onshore Wind and Solar Power?

The rapid development, in particular as for solar and onshore wind power, is largely due to factors such as abundant wind and solar resources, the regulator's long-term planning and an auction-based scheme awarding long-term power purchase agreements to the winning bidders. The report provides  an overview of the legal framework in place for tender proceedings related to renewable sources in Brazil.