Desalination Plant for Victoria, Australia

PPP Desalination Project - Project deed and ancillary documents with summaries for the design, construction finance and operation of a seawater desalination plant, 85 km transfer pipeline, delivery of power supply for the project, operations and maintenance, and the purchase of renewable energy credits. The state has contracted with the consortium AquaSure to deliver all aspects of the project. AquaSure has engaged other contractors to design, construct, operate and maintain the plant and the associated infrastructure.

Standard Solar Power Purchase Agreement

Oregon, United States  Draft Solar Power Purchase Agreement (Photovoltaic Solar Electric Systems) between an Oregon provider and the State of Oregon whereby provider desires to install, maintain and operate the systems on the sites in the licensed areas and desires to sell electrical energy generated by the systems securing sustainable energy resources to support its operations at no greater cost for the energy than it would pay for the electricity otherwise supplied  (in English).

Jordanian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources

In light of the restructuring process of the energy sector, the responsibilities of the Ministry were amended to include the comprehensive planning process of the sector, and setting the general plans and ensuring their implementation in a way that achieves the general objectives of the energy sector, the most important of which is providing energy, in its various forms, for the development process, organizing its affairs, exchanging electric power with neighboring countries, and attracting international capital for investment in this field, especially the generation of electric power,

MAPPP – Le clausier type “éclairage public

De 2005 à 2012, l’éclairage public a constitué 30% des PPP passés par les collectivités locales. La Mission d’appui aux partenariats public-privé du Ministère de l’économie (MAPPP) met à disposition des collectivités locales un clausier pour faciliter la mise en place de PPP d’éclairage public. Le clausier permet de guider les parties à un PPP (et notamment les collectivités territoriales) pour structurer le contrat. 

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