Commercial code
Article 461. Definition of the mixed economy company
Article 461. Definition of the mixed economy company
Law 550 de 1999 - Statute on the Public Administration - La presente Ley regula el ejercicio de la función administrativa, determina la estructura y define los principios y reglas basicas de la organizacion y funcionamiento de la Administración Publica.
Law 489 of 1998 - Capitulo XIV - sociedades de economia mixtas - articulo 97 sociedades de economia mixta. (mixed economy companies)
Law 6.404/76 - Brazilian Corporation Law
The Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil (Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil) is the supreme law of Brazil.
Decree-Law No. 200/1967 deals with the organization of federal public administration.
Decree 70/2023 Bases for the Reconstruction of the Argentine Economy repeal Decree Law No. 15349/46
The State Companies Law 20705/1974 repealed by Decree. 70/2023
State rules referring to the mixed economy company regime.
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Ref: draft mobile lincense 2008