Title: Developing Best Practices for Promoting Private Sector Investment in Infrastructure: Ports

Languages: English

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: Global-World

Sectors: Transportation

Keywords: Parties, Financing and Risk Mitigation **, PPP Options, Transport, Contractual Provisions, Sample drafting, Privatization


Document Details:

Asian Development Bank (ADB) 2000 - This volume of a five-volume set reviews the various arrangements used throughout the world to transfer public port activities and assets to the private sector. It examines the trend toward terminal concessions and the transition from operating ports to landlord ports, and considers best practice. Appendix 5 includes useful summaries of six basic contractual relationships that can be used to increase private sector participation in the port sector, forms of privatization and the related objectives.

Related Information: 

PPPs in Ports

Tracking Reference: 


Updated: June 13, 2022