Title: Mali - Electrification: Technical Specifications to Concession Contract

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Country: Mali

Sectors: Energy and Power

Topics: Procurement

Keywords: Sector, Concession


Technical Specifications to Concession Contract bytes

Document Details:

This is a detailed annex to the concession document that allows a retail service provider to serve a specified community.  It specifies minimum daily duration of the service and the requirement that voltage cannot fluctuate by more than 12% from the target level and frequency by more than 5 % from the target level.  It also specifies the information that the concession holder must report to AMADER, the rural electrification agency in Mali. Article 21 specifies reporting requirements for the concession holder. Article 25 gives detailed formulas on how retail tariffs will be set.  The tariff setting formula allows the concession holder to recover the costs of pre-financing the customer’s connection costs. The overall effect is that AMADER (a rural energy agency) functions both as a grant giving agency and a de facto regulator. AMADER-Cahier de Charges (Undated, 15 pages, in French).  Technical Specifications to Concession Contract (Unofficial English translation).

Concession Contract (Unofficial English translation)._The concession document which essentially constitutes a contract between AMADER and the holder of the concession.  Like many contracts, it specifies force majeure conditions and a dispute resolution process.  Article 6 spells out the operator’s obligations relative maintenance and replacement.  Article 15 describes the process by which a new operator may take over the concession at the end of the concession period and how the “outgoing operator” will be compensated. AMADER Contrat d’autorisation (Undated, 11 pages, in French).

For more information about this sector, please visit Public–Private Partnerships in Energy and Power.

Tracking Number: Mali - Technical Specifications_Undated_English

Updated: October 25, 2021