Title: Autorité de régulation des activités ferroviaires - ARAF

Language: French

Type: Website

Nature: Government Website

Published: September 22, 2021

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: France

Sector: Transportation

Keywords: Transport Core, Transport

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Document Details:

The Transport Regulatory Authority (formerly Arafer) is an independent public authority. It was created in 2009 under the name of the Regulatory Authority for Railway Activities (Araf) to support the opening up to competition of the rail transport market. Its missions were extended in 2015, then in 2016, to include the Channel Tunnel, interurban coach transport and motorways under concession, making the Authority a multimodal transport regulator. And since 1st October 2019, the Authority's remit was extended to the regulation of airport charges, powers hitherto exercised by the Independent supervisory authority of airport charges (ASI).

To enable it to fully carry out its missions, the Authority has broad powers, granted by law. Its independence is also guaranteed by the functioning of its college and its financial autonomy.

Updated: October 25, 2021