Lebanon: Draft mobile license 2008
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Ref: draft mobile lincense 2008
Find more at Telecommunications / Information & Communication Technology PPPs
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Ref: draft mobile lincense 2008
The Namibian Electricity Act of 2007, amended in 2016, introduced Net Metering Rules, where all renewable energy technologies are eligible for net metering.
The official website of the Energy Regulatory Authority (ARENE), created by Law No. 11/2017, of 8 September.
Law No. 16,211, known as the Public Companies Law.
The mixed economy companies are provided for in the National Constitution of 1967, in its article 188.
Website for Spanish association of Water control and treatment enterprises
Joint Ventures and Industrial and Regional development Enterprises Taxation Regime Law 18/82
Website for Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation in Peru.
The sector regulating entity is the National Sanitation Services Supervisory (SUNASS), created by law in 1992.
Decree 1031 of 24 June 2008 - promotes the efficiency of the business activities of the State. It also provides the legal framework for joint ventures.