Title: United Kingdom Treasury - Standardisation of PF2 Contracts (SoPC)

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: United Kingdom

Sectors: Energy and Power

Topics: Financing and Risk Mitigation

Keywords: Contractual Provisions, Energy and Power PPPs **, PPP Online Reference Guide **, PPP Reference Guide, PPP Basics ***, PPP Cycle ***


Document Summary:

On this page you’ll find the new version of standard wording and guidance to be used by public sector bodies and their advisors when drafting PF2 contracts.

Document Details:

Standardisation of PF2 Contracts (SoPC) (December 2012)

This version of standard wording and guidance is to be used by public sector bodies when drafting PF2 contracts. It reflects the new model of contracting for projects for the delivery of infrastructure and services using public private partnerships and replaces “Standardisation of PFI Contracts”  (Version 4 issued in March 2007).

Supporting guidance and information

  • A New Approach to Public Private Partnerships (December 2012) (PDF 1MB)
  • Data Handling Review and SoPC 4 (PDF 83KB)
    This note provides guidance on the implementation of the OGC Procurement Policy Note of 26 November 2008: Data Handling Review - Mandatory application of security procedures in contracts.
  • Change Protocol Principles - August 2007 (PDF 156KB)
    This paper provides information on the principles and procedures which PFUs and Authorities may wish to consider when producing their own variation provisions to comply with the requirements of SoPC4. It is intended as an aid to help Authorities consider relevant issues.

Historical documents

Related Resources

The Treasury provides guidance on a number of topics. This includes the publication A new approach to Public Private Partnerships and Standardisation of PF2 contracts (December 2012) and guidance on assessing the value for money of privately financed projects, as well as finance, procurement and contract management.

Tracking Number: StandardisationPF2Contracts_2012_English

UK. 2012c. Standardisation of PF2 Contracts: Draft. London: UK Government, HM Treasury. [#1258]

Image by Pixabay

Updated: June 2, 2022