Title: Spain Royal Decree 424/2005, Approving the Rules on the Conditions for the Provision of Electronic Communications, Universal Service and Consumers’ Protection

Language: Spanish

Type: Document

Nature: Laws and Regulations

Published: March 6, 2021

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: Spain

Sector: Telecom and ICT

Keywords: Telecom and ICT, Information & Communication Technology PPPs **

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

The Spain Royal Decree 424/2005 provides the rules on the conditions for the provision of electronic communications, universal service and consumers’ protection. 

Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, BOE no. 102 of April 29, 2005, Reference: BOE-A-2005-6970

Document Details:

Real Decreto 424/2005, de 15 de abril, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento sobre las condiciones para la prestación de servicios de comunicaciones electrónicas, el servicio universal y la protección de los usuarios.

Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio
«BOE» núm. 102, de 29 de abril de 2005
Referencia: BOE-A-2005-6970

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Updated: October 25, 2021