Telecommunications Licensing (by Country)

Listed here you will find sample telecom laws and regulations regarding licensing, as well as sample licenses. In addition, a number of the general telecommunications frameworks contain licensing regimes and can be accessed at General Telecommunications Frameworks.


Legal framework

  • Banding Licenses - Décret exécutif n° 04-157 du 11 rabie ethani 1425 correspondant au 31 mai 2004 - modifiant et complétant le décret exécutif 01-123 du 09/05/2001 relatif au régime d’exploitation applicable à chaque type de réseaux, y compris radioélectriques et aux différents services de télécommunications.
  • License Adjudication Process Decree 01-124 - Décret exécutif n° 01-124 du 15 safar 1422 correspondant au 09 mai 2001 - portant définition de la procédure applicable à l’adjudication par appel à la concurrence pour l’octroi des licences en matière de télécommunications
  • License Fees Decree 05-99 - Décret exécutif n°05-99 du 09 safar 1426 correspondant au 20 mars 2005 - complétant le décret exécutif n° 03-37 du 11 Dhou El Kaada 1423 correspondant au 13 janvier 2003 fixant le montant de la redevance applicable aux opérateurs titulaires d’autorisations pour l’établissement et l’exploitation de réseaux de télécommunications et/ou la fourniture de services de télécommunications.

Licensing agreements

  • Mobile GSM service Licence - Décret exécutif n° 04-09 du 18 dhou el kaada 1425 correspondant au 11 janvier 2004: portant approbation de la licence d’établissement et d’exploitation d’un réseau public de télécommunications cellulaires de norme GSM et de fourniture de services de télécommunications au public.
  • Satelital mobile telecommunications service licence - Décret exécutif n° 05-32 du 14 dhou el hidja 1425 correspondant au 24 janvier 2005: portant approbation de licence d’établissement et d’exploitation d’un réseau public de communications personnelles mobiles mondiales par satellites de type GMPCS et de fourniture de services de télécommunications au public.




  • Law 37/1993 - This law addresses the mobile services provision.

  • Law 555/2000 - This law includes the definition and licensing of PCS services.




  • Under section 21 of Telecommunications Act 2053 (1997), the operator of any telecommunications service must hold a license. The Nepal Telecommunications Authority (“NTA”) will determine the number of licenses to be issued for each telecommunications service and publish a public notice specifying the time limit to submit applications for a telecommunications license. Each applicant must pay an application fee.

    License applications are assessed on the basis of the financial, technical and operational capability of the applicant. Successful applicants will be granted a license for up to 10 years, with the potential to renew the licenses for up to 5 years at a time. The maximum period for a license is 25 years. The licensee must pay a fee (the amount of which depends on the type of telecommunications service) for the issue of the license and for each subsequent renewal of the license.

    Service charges for telecommunications services must be approved by the NTA and be proper and reasonable. Licensees are prohibited from discriminating against users through service charges, other terms and conditions or priority of service and cannot cause undue loss or damage to anybody. Licensees can only stop providing telecommunications services to consumers if:
    • maintenance of the telecommunications network or system is required;

    • the consumer fails to pay the service charge;

    • the consumer uses the service without authorization or in contravention of the service terms and conditions; or

    • there are events beyond the control of the licensee (i.e. a Force Majeure event such as natural disaster, lockout or riot).

  • More information on the licensing procedure or license fees (for both the issue and renewal of licenses) can be found on the NTA website. A template license application form is also available.



These guidelines address universal service issues.


  • Licensing Guidelines - Communications licensing guidelines issued by the Uganda Communications Commission.

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