Telecom and ICT

Kenya Konza Technology City (KMIP)

Konza City will be developed in four phases over 20 years on a 5,000-acre greenfield site located 60 km south of Nairobi. The new city has been designed as a technology hub with multi-use office space and city amenities to meet demand in Kenya and in East Africa. The project is expected to mobilize at least $500 million in private investment and generate 15,000 jobs in the first five years and serve as a catalyst for the full development of a 35,000-person city on a private basis over 20 years.

Measuring the Emissions and Energy Footprint of the ICT Sector: Implications for Climate Action

Digitalization is increasing rapidly worldwide, requiring more energy, and resulting in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The report uses a key framework for categorizing energy use and emissions, the greenhouse gas protocol corporate standard. Second, the report addresses the policy and regulatory implications inferred from this data and the examination of these issues through several country case studies.

A Model for calculating Interconnection Costs in Telecommunications (PPIAF)

This guidebook provides a sound methodology to help regulators and telecommunications operators adopt a tariff regime and deal with interconnection disputes on the basis of a rigorous cost model.

Find more at Telecommunications / Information & Communication Technology PPPs

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Ref: WB - Model Calculating Intercommunication Costs Telecoms 2004

Law on Electronic Communications Bulgaria May 10, 2007

This law sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Bulgaria. It contains a detailed institutional framework, including the creation of the Communications Regulation Commission. It includes licensing, competition policy, quality service, interconnection, co-location, scarce resources management, infrastructure sharing, universal service, tariffs regulation, penalties and sanctions and dispute resolution. It also covers some postal service issues.