General Telecommunications Framework (by Country)

Find below a list of telecommunication framework by country.

East Asia and Pacific


General Telecommunication Framework

  • Australia Telecommunications Act 1997 -  the Act distinguishes between:
    • carriers, which are entities that own telecommunications infrastructure used to supply carriage services to the public;
    • carriage service providers, which are entities that supply carriage services using a carrier’s infrastructure;
    • content service providers - These categories are not mutually exclusive and most carriers are also carriage service providers.
  • Australia Spam Act 2003

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These laws set out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Australia. They contain a detailed institutional framework, including the creation of the telecommunications regulatory authority (ACMA).


General Telecommunications Framework

  • Brunei Telecommunications Order 2001  - This law sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Brunei. It contains a detailed institutional framework, including the creation of the regulatory telecommunications authority. It includes licensing, competition policy, quality service, interconnection, scarce resources management, infrastructure sharing, universal service, penalties and sanctions and dispute resolution.

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General Telecommunication Framework

Universal service


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General Telecommunications Framework

  • Samoa Telecommunication Act No. 20/2005 - This law sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Samoa. It contains a detailed institutional framework, including the creation of the telecommunications regulatory authority. It includes licensing, competition policy, quality service, interconnection, co-location, scarce resources management, universal access, tariffs regulation, penalties and sanctions and dispute resolution. It also covers some postal service issues.

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General Telecommunications Framework

  • The Telecommunications Act (Cap. 323) - This law sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Singapore. It contains a detailed institutional framework. It includes licensing, competition policy, quality service, interconnection, scarce resources management, infrastructure sharing, penalties and sanctions and dispute resolution.

South Asia


General Telecommunications Framework

  • Afghanistan Telecommunications Services Regulation Act - This law sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Afghanistan. It contains a detailed institutional framework, including the creation of the regulatory telecommunications authority. It includes licensing, competition policy, interconnection, co-location, scarce resources management, universal access, tariffs regulations, penalties and sanctions and dispute resolution.

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General Telecommunications Framework

  • India - TRAI Acts and policies - These laws contain an institutional framework including the creation of the Telecommunication Regulatory Authority.

Telegraphic Communications

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General Telecommunications Framework

Tariff Approval

Sub-Saharan Africa 


General Telecommunications Framework

  • Kenya - Information and Communications Act (KICA) - this law sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Kenya. It contains licensing, competition policy, quality service, interconnection, co-location, universal service, tariffs regulation, penalties and sanctions and dispute resolution. It also covers some postal service issues.


General Telecommunications Framework

  • Loi Réglementant les télécommunications (Loi 11 juillet du 1999) - This law sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Mauritania. It contains a detailed institutional framework, including the creation of the telecommunications regulatory authority. It includes licensing, competition policy, quality service, interconnection, scarce resources management, universal access, tariffs regulation, and penalties and sanctions.


General Telecommunications Framework

  • Lei No. 8 das telecomunicacoes - This law sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Mozambique. It contains a detailed institutional framework, including the creation of the telecommunications regulatory authority (INCM). It includes licensing, competition policy, quality service, interconnection, scarce resources management, universal access and service, tariffs regulation, and penalties and sanctions.
  • Instituto Nacional das telecomunicacoes de Mocambique


General Telecommunications Framework

  • Nigerian Telecommunications Act 2003 - This law sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Nigeria. It contains a detailed institutional framework, including the creation of the telecommunications regulatory authority (NCC). It includes licensing, competition policy, quality service, interconnection, scarce resources management, infrastructure sharing, universal service, tariffs regulation, penalties and sanctions and dispute resolution.

South Africa

General Telecommunications Framework

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These laws set out the general legal framework for telecommunications in South Africa. They contain a detailed institutional framework, including the creation of the telecommunications regulatory authority (ICASA). They include licensing, competition policy, quality service, interconnection, scarce resources management, universal service, tariffs regulation, penalties and sanctions and dispute resolution. They also cover the electronic communications and transactions.


General Telecommunications Framework

  • Uganda Communications Act  - it sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Uganda. It contains a detailed institutional framework, including the creation of the telecommunications regulatory authority (UCC). It includes licensing, competition policy, quality service, interconnection, scarce resources management, tariffs regulation, penalties and sanctions. It also covers the postal service. It also covers some postal service issues.

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Europe and Central Asia 


General Telecommunications Framework

  • Bulgaria - Law on Electronic Communications Bulgaria may 10, 2007 - This law sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Bulgaria. It contains a detailed institutional framework, including the creation of the Communications Regulation Commission. It includes licensing, competition policy, quality service, interconnection, co-location, scarce resources management, infrastructure sharing, universal service, tariffs regulation, penalties and sanctions and dispute resolution. It also covers some postal service issues.

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General Telecommunications Framework


General Telecommunications Framework

Universal Service


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These laws set out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Romania. They contain a detailed institutional framework, including the creation of the national regulatory authority for communications (ANRC). They include licensing, competition policy, quality service, interconnection, co-location, scarce resources management, infrastructure sharing, universal service, tariffs regulation, penalties and sanctions and dispute resolution. They also cover some postal service issues.


General Telecommunications Framework

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General Telecommunications Framework

Middle East and North Africa


General Telecommunications Framework

  • Algeria - Loi no. 2000-03 - This law sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Algeria. It contains a detailed institutional framework, including the creation of the regulatory telecommunications authority. It includes licensing, interconnection, scarce resources management, penalties and sanctions. It also covers the postal service.

Interconnection and Price Regulation

  • Intercontection Conditions Decree 02-156 - Interconnection and Price Regulation. Décret exécutif n° 02-156 du 26 safar 1423 correspondant au 09 mai 2002 - fixant les conditions d’interconnexion des réseaux et services de télécoms.

Universal Access or Service

  • Decree No. 03-232 - This decree establishes the universal access regime for both post and telecommunications


General Telecommunications Framework

  • Telecommunications Law No. 13/1995 - This law sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Jordan. It contains a detailed institutional framework, including the creation of the telecommunications regulatory authority (Telecommunication Regulatory Commission). It includes licensing, scarce resources management, and penalties and sanctions.

Universal service

Competition policy


Quality service

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General Telecommunications Framework

  • Lebanon Telecommunications Law: Law 431/2002 - This law sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Lebanon. It contains a detailed institutional framework, including the creation of the telecommunications regulatory authority. It includes licensing, competition policy, quality service, interconnection, scarce resources management, infrastructure sharing, universal service, tariffs regulation, penalties and sanctions and dispute resolution.

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General Telecommunications Framework

  • Morocco -The Post and Telecommunications Act No. 24-96 (in French). This law sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Morocco. It contains a detailed institutional framework, inlcuding the establishment of the regulator. It includes licensing, quality service, interconnection, co-location, universal service, tariffs regulation, penalties and sanctions and dispute resolution. It also covers some postal service issues. Other laws and regulations regarding telecommunications can also be found here.

Competition Policy

Latin America and the Caribbean 


General Telecommunications Framework

  • Argentina Decree No. 764/2000 - This decree sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Argentina. It includes licensing, competition policy, quality service, interconnection, scarce resources management, infrastructure sharing, collocation, universal service, tariffs regulation penalties and sanctions, and dispute resolution.

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General Telecommunications Framework

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General Telecommunication framework

  • Decree No. 2870/2007 - This Decree sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Colombia. It includes licensing, competition policy, scarce resources management, and penalties and sanctions.
  • Colombia Law 142/1994 - This Law includes licensing, competition policy, quality service, interconnection, tariffs regulation, penalties and sanctions, and dispute resolution. It contains a detailed institutional framework, including the creation of the telecommunications regulatory authority.


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General Telecommunication framework

  • Ley Federal de Telecomunicaciones - This law sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Mexico. It contains a detailed institutional framework, including the creation of the telecommunications regulatory authority. It includes licensing, competition policy, quality service, interconnection, scarce resources management, infrastructure sharing, collocation, universal service, tariffs regulation and penalties and sanctions.

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General Telecommunication framework

  • Decreto Supremo No. 003-2007 - This law sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Peru. It contains a detailed institutional framework. It includes licensing, competition policy, quality service, interconnection, scarce resources management, universal service, tariffs regulation, penalties and sanctions.
  • Decreto Supremo No. 013-93 - Supreme Decree approving the consolidated text of Peru's Telecommunications Act


General Telecommunication framework

  • Ley Organica de Telecomunicaciones/ 2000 - This law sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Venezuela. It contains a detailed institutional framework, including the creation of the telecommunications regulatory authority (CONATEL). It includes licensing, competition policy, quality service, interconnection, scarce resources management, universal service, tariffs regulation, penalties and sanctions and dispute resolution.

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