Title: Solid Waste Management Project in the City of Berhampur

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 1, 2013

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: India

Sectors: Municipal Solid Waste

Keywords: Contractual Provisions, Municipal Solid Waste


Document Details:

Solid Waste Management Project in the City of Berhampur, State of Odisha, India - Request for Proposal (RFP), March 2013

The Berhampur Municipal Corporation (BMC), with the support of the Housing and Urban Development Department of the Government of Odisha, was seeking private sector participation to improve the management of municipal solid waste in the city of Berhampur through the development of an effective integrated MSW management system that complies with regulations, provides better service, and serves as a model for other cities on a public-private partnership basis. The RFP contains a draft concession agreement between the BMC and Concessionaire. The Concessionaire is responsible for collection and transportation of waste, development of a segregation line and composting facility, a greenfield sanitary landfill and the decommissioning of the existing dumpsite during a concession period of 20 years. The municipality retains responsibility for certain processes, such as street sweeping, grass/bush cutting and drain cleaning. Operations are expected to benefit over 350,000 people, including approximately 100,000 in low-income areas.  

Related Materials: 

Municipal Solid Waste PPPs


Tracking Reference: 

India_Solid Waste Management Project_EN.pdf

Updated: March 23, 2021