Region: Global
Country: Global / Non-Specific
Sectors: Municipal Solid Waste
Keywords: Contractual Provisions, Model agreement, Municipal Solid Waste
Model Contract Documents for Residential Solid Waste Collection and Disposal bytes
Document Details:
Department ………………………………………… City ……………………………………
1. Receipt and Opening of Proposals
The City of ……………………….. invites and will receive Proposals (i.e., ”bids”) on the forms attached hereto
at the office of ………………………….. until …………..a.m./p.m. on ……………………………………..19……. .
Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud immediately following said time on said date. Bids must be
sealed and addressed to ………………………. and plainly marked ”Proposal for Residential Solid Waste
Collection and Disposal.”
2. Scope of Work
The work to be performed under this Contract shall consist of all items contained in the Proposal including the
provision of all labor, equipment, materials, tools, insurance; supervision, and all other items necessary to provide
the service as set forth in the specifications attached hereto.
3. Term of Contract
The term of this Contract will be for a ………….. (……) year period beginning upon …………………, 19….-and
ending ……………..19…… . The parties agree that by their mutual consent, each expressed in writing and
received at least ………….. (…….) days before the termination of the current term ending on ……………….. ,
19……. , that this Contract may be extended for an additional period of …………… (……..) year(s) upon the
same terms and conditions as set forth in this Contract.
For more information about this sector, please visit Public–Private Partnerships in Solid Waste.
Updated: October 25, 2021