Title: PPP Unit Senegal

Language: English

Type: Website

Nature: Laws and Regulations

Published: July 2, 2021

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Country: Senegal

Topic: Legal Framework, PPP Unit

Keywords: Legal Framework *, PPP Regulation **, PPP Law ***, PPP Unit

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

In March 2021 Senegal implemented a new PPP Law, law no 2021-23 dated 2 March 2021. 

The new PPP Law establish the National PPP Support Unit, UNAPPP (Unité nationale d’Appui aux Partenariats public-privéwhich replaces the Infrastructure Council (Conseil des infrastructures). 

Document Details:

Before the 2021 PPP Law, the institutional framework were less simplified:

The National Committee for Support to Public-Private Partnerships (CNAPPP), located in the Ministry of Investment Promotion and Partnerships and responsible for preliminary project assessment, capacity building and technical support for contracting authorities through the project lifecycle, and PPP promotion.

The Directorate of Finance and Public-Private Partnerships, located in the Ministry of Investment Promotion and Partnerships, acting as the national PPP Unit pending the effective settlement of the National PPP Committee. The Directorate is the technical arm of the Committee. It used to be a Directorate located in the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transports and Energy (2009-2012) and a PPP Division in the Ministry of Economy and Finance (2012-2013).

The Infrastructure Council (Conseil des Infrastructures) is an independent body with 12 members comprising 3 magistrates, 3 private sector representatives, 3 civil society and consumer associations representatives, and 3 members of Parliament. The Infrastructure Council is responsible for dispute resolution, regulation of procedures, and auditing. Its activities are no longer restricted to infrastructure projects since the adoption of the 2014 Law.

APIX S.A is an implementing agency located in the Ministry of Investment Promotion and Partnerships and is responsible for investment promotion, business climate improvement, development of special economic zones, and the implementation of major public works.


Updated: February 16, 2022