PPP laws in Africa: confusing or clarifying?

Many African governments demonstrate a willingness to effectively train their staff, to develop tools to facilitate transactions, and to draft model contracts. But these measures do not suffice. Above all, States must focus on building a pipeline of bankable and socially conscious projects with which to appetize investors. Governments must also clearly delineate the roles and responsibilities of all participating stakeholders: public institutions, contracting authorities, and PPP units; and they must ensure that these stakeholders are empowered to deliver projects.

Tunisia: Draft Concession Law (Project de Loi relatif au régime des concessions) (French)

Projet de loi Relatif au régime des concessions (Draft law relating to the Concession Regime)


Article premier : la présente loi a pour objet de définir le régime juridique des concessions et de fixer les principes fondamentaux relatifs à leur octroi, exécution, suivi et contrôle et de définir le régime juridique des constructions, ouvrages et installations nécessaires à leur exécution.


Croata - Public-Private Partnership Institutional Framework

Croatia PPP Law/Concessions Law/Public Procurement Act

The Croatia (PPP Act 2008) regulates procedures for the preparation, approval, award, and monitoring of proposals for PPP projects.  An independent public body, the PPP Agency is entrusted with the task of selecting and approving PPP projects proposed by the Croatian administration.

The Concessions Act 2008 specifies the types of concessions, provides general principles and rules applicable to Concessions, in particular to Concession awards, Concession contracts and termination of Concessions.