Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)
Country: Poland
Topic: Legal Framework, PPP Unit
Keywords: Legal Framework *, PPP Regulation **, PPP Law ***, PPP Unit
Document Link(s):
Document Summary:
The Ministry of Investment and Economic Development acts as a central PPP unit. The Department for PPP in the Ministry is the centre of knowledge on PPPs and cooperates with other ministries, public entities and other bodies at the government and local level involved in PPPs. There is a PPP Platform for cooperation on PPPs.
Document Details:
Other related organizations include Centrum PPP and Institute PPP.
Centrum PPP is a non-profit NGO launched in 2008 by public and private entities – including: banks, law firms, consulting companies, construction firms, regional development agencies, foundations, associations, chambers and business agencies – in order to create and develop a Polish PPP market. Its activities include:
The Institute for Public-Private Partnership (IPPP) is the first professional organization in Poland dedicated to the field of public-private partnerships (PPPs). We were established in 2003 and since then are building our presence on the Polish and abroad markets in a sustainable way. Our mission in to support both the public and the private sector in driving successful PPP projects which we put into practice through educating on PPP and providing first-class advisory services.
We believe that PPP is the right a answer to the needs of development and modernization of national communities and economies. What is crucial to see successful PPP projects being implemented is the proper PPP project’s preparation: it must meet all formal and legal conditions, it must be bankable and it must take both public and private side’s requirements into account.
Updated: February 16, 2022
Continue to view PPP Legal Framework Snapshots (D to R) and PPP Legal Framework Snapshots (S to Z).
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