Title: Philippines 2018-2027 Distribution Development Plan

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Guidelines

Published: February 26, 2021

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: Philippines

Sector: Energy and Power

Keywords: Energy and Power, Energy and Power PPPs **, Legal Framework *

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

The 2018-2027 Distribution Development Plan (DDP) is the 15th edition since the Department of Energy began its annual issuance of the consolidated DDP of distribution utilities (DUs). The one-page infographic profile of 142 DUs shows their supply and demand outlook and annual average growth rate of peak demand over the ten-year planning period.

It also presents the basic general information of each DUs, as well as the 2017 actual number of barangay and households served within their franchise.  Also, this DDP edition provides information on the average percent share of energy sales, own-use and system loss versus the DUs total energy requirements for the actual year. Further, it also features a summary table of the 2017 actual and projections of number of customers, energy sales per customer class, electricity purchased and system loss for the period 2018-2027.

Document Details:

In 2017, non-coincident peak demand of these DUs was registered at 11,183.8 MB, highest in Luzon at 7,940.4 MW, while 1,737.3 MW and 1,506.1 MW in Mindanao and Visayas, respectively.  For the whole country, DUs projects on annual average growth rate (AAGR) of 6.0% for the ten-year planning horizon.

On the other hand the total electricity purchased of 79,128.7 GWh in 2017 was estimated to increase from 83,396.7 GWh in 2018 to 125,705.5 GWh in 2027 with an AAGR of 4.7% in 2017, Luzon DUs has the highest electricity purchased of 59,225.5 GWh while Mindanao and Visayas has 10,195.6 GWh and 9,707.5 GWh, respectively.  With regard to the energy sales, DUs have sold a total of 69,365.1 GWh in 2017 which was broken down as follows: 30,290.8 GWh for residential, 20,649.7 GWh for commercial, 15,918.6 GWh for industrial and 2,505.9 GWh for other customers.

Image by analogicus from Pixabay 

Updated: October 25, 2021