Title: Malaysia Renewable Energy Standardized Power Purchase Agreements for Solar PV Projects

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: December 1, 2011

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: Malaysia

Sectors: Energy and Power

Topics: Climate-Smart

Keywords: Legal Framework *, Energy and Power, Contractual Provisions, Solar power, Climate Smart, Energy and Power PPPs **


Malaysia Renewable Energy Standardized Power Purchase Agreements for Solar PV Projects (up to 1 MW)378 KB, Malaysia Renewable Energy Standardized Power Purchase Agreements for Solar PV Projects (1 MW to 12MW)279.58 KB, Malaysia Renewable Energy Standardized Power Purchase Agreements for Solar PV Projects (above 12 MW)285.07 KB

Document Summary:

Renewable Energy standardized Power purchase agreements for solar PV projects (up to 10 MW, 12 MW and 30 MW) published by the Sustainable Energy Development Authority Malaysia.

Document Details:

Based on feed-in tariff system.

Find more @ Climate-Smart PPPsEnergy and Power PPPs and Solar Power Projects

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Updated: October 8, 2021