Title: Energy - Management Contract - Due Diligence Checklist
Language: English
Type: Document
Nature: Checklists
Region: Global
Country: Global / Non-Specific
Sector: Energy and Power
Keywords: PPPs by Sector *, Energy and Power PPPs **, Due diligence
Document Summary:
The purpose of this note is to outline the general issues that should be addressed by the local lawyer in the "legal due diligence" exercise relating to preparation of a PPP management contract for delivery of electricity services.
Document Details:
This document has been prepared for the purposes of the PPP in Infrastructure Resource Center For Contracts, Laws and Regulations (PPPLRC). It is a checklist for general guidance purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for specific legal advice for a project.
For more information about this sector, please visit Public–Private Partnerships in Energy and Power.