Title: Energy access - Making Power Sector Reform Work for the Poor

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sectors: Energy and Power

Topics: Pro-poor

Keywords: Energy and Power, Regulator

Document Summary:

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Document Details:

This document by the Global Network on energy for Sustainable Development explains the significant outcome of policy review and reform in the energy sector that was implemented in different regions in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The reforms mainly focused on the providing access to energy services to the poorer sections of the communities

The results could be summed up in 4 areas:

(i) Protecting Funds: Funds for electrification of the poor need to be protected and specifically guided by sound policies, and use of funds must be under transparent planning process;

(ii) Explicit focus on the Poor: Usually energy policies do not address or are not explicitly focused on the poor’s needs, for these new policies should be implemented. Similarly, financial aid such as subsidies or lifeline tariff should be incorporated in policies to provide relevant assistance targeted for the poor;

(iii) Participation of Local Communities: Energy projects including all sectors should involve participation of local communities to ensure that the project addresses relevant issues and needs of such communities;

(iv) Low-cost technologies: Guidelines on technology that allow compromise on cost and/or innovation have a serious impact on energy access and also on livelihoods of poor.

Better Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor - Good Practice from sub-Saharan Africa, Chapter 7 - Policy does matter! Developing Policies and Strategies for Improving Water Supply and Sanitation for the Urban Poor: This Chapter explains how policy should focus on creating specific strategies that specifically target the poor in urban areas. The document implies that policies usually are too general and do not address the real problem of the poor settled in informal areas. The Chapter also gives examples of good practices in water sector policy in several regions of Africa.


Related Information:

Tracking Reference:

Energy_access_Making_Power_Sector_Reform_Work for_Poor_EN.pdf

Updated: August 1, 2024