Resetting price controls for privatized utilities: a manual for regulators

This manual describes the task that an economic regulator should undertake when revising the price control for a regulated company. The aim of regulation is to protect consumers, while ensuring that the company remains viable and has an incentive to operate efficiently. After an introduction in section 1, section 2 discusses the basic principle of price control regulation.

Role of Independent Regulators

This section describes in more detail the range of PPP contract types under the definition of PPP used in this Reference Guide; and some of the more common terminology used globally to describe PPPs.

Energy Licenses and Licensing Procedures

The terms and conditions of licenses will vary depending on whether it is a license for generation, transmission, distribution or supply. In most instances, a license will contain the following sections: Technical Conditions, Financial Requirements, Rights and Obligations of Licensees, Environmental Standards, Customer Service Standards, Complaint and Dispute Procedures and Fines and Penalties. This section offers resources and information about energy licenses as they relate to potential public-private partnerships in the power sectors.