Title: Concession for the Delhi Noida Bridge (Case Study)

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: India

Sectors: Transportation

Keywords: Contractual Provisions, Contract


Concession for Delhi Noida Bridge_EN.pdf348.64 KB

Document Details:

This is a case study prepared Planning Commission (Secretariat for the Committee on Infrastructure) featuring the Delhi Noida Bridge.

The Delhi Noida bridge is one of three bridges across the Yamuna river connecting Noida with Delhi and the only one that is tolled. It was opened to traffic in February 2001, and was among the first few projects to have been developed as a Public Private Partnership (PPP) in India.

The Delhi Noida bridge project is often presented as a path-breaking project which showed that private capital could indeed be attracted to provide public infrastructure services in India, despite despite having to deal with multiple authorities and a fragile political environment.

Updated: August 25, 2020