Title: Channel Tunnel Railway Link (High Speed 1) - Model Framework Track Access Agreements (Passenger and Freight)

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 1, 2013

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sectors: Transportation

Keywords: Contractual Provisions, Rail



Template Track Access Agreement (Freight)349.56 KB, Template International Passenger Services429.28 KB, Sample Agreement - HS1 and EUKL276.44 KB, Sample Agreement - HS1 and LSER258.94 KB

Document Summary:



Channel Tunnel Railway Link (High Speed 1) – High Speed 1 Limited (HS 1 Ltd.) is the IM for the high-speed railway line between St. Pancras Station in London and the Channel Tunnel that connects with the international high-speed routes between London and Paris, and London and Brussels. HS 1 Ltd. provides on its website Model Framework Track Access Agreements for international passenger and freight services and a link to the HS 1 Concession Agreement.


Related Information: 

Shared Use of Railway Tracks

Track Access - European Union


Tracking Number: 

UK_Channel Tunnel Railway Link High Speed 1 - Model Framework Track Access (Passenger LSEA).pdf

UK_Channel Tunnel Railway Link High Speed 1 - Model Framework Track Access (Passenger Eurostar).pdf 

UK_Channel Tunnel Railway Link High Speed 1 - Model Framework Track Access (Freight Template)_EN.pdf

Document Details:

Channel Tunnel Railway Link (High Speed 1) – High Speed 1 Limited (HS 1 Ltd.) is the IM for the high-speed railway line between St. Pancras Station in London and the Channel Tunnel that connects with the international high-speed routes between London and Paris, and London and Brussels. HS 1 Ltd. provides on its website Model Framework Track Access Agreements for international passenger and freight services and a link to the HS 1 Concession Agreement.

Related Information: 


Shared Use of Railway Tracks

Track Access - European Union

Updated: March 27, 2021