Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)
Country: Global / Non-Specific
Topic: Procurement
Keywords: Legal Framework *, Legislation and Laws **, Concession
Document Link(s):
Document Summary:
Central and Eastern Europe - Assessment of Concession Laws 2007/08
Document Details:
Assessment of Concession Laws (2008) - prepared by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Including: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, FYR Macedonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Latvia, Lithunia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.
The 2007/8 concession laws assessment (the "Project") is part of the EBRD's efforts to improve the legal environment in its countries of operations. Through the Project, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) aims to encourage, influence and provide guidance to policy and law makers, while developing the concessions and PPP related legal reform in the region.
In addition to concession laws assessment the EBRD has undertaken similar evaluations in secured transactions, corporate governance, bankruptcy and securities markets.
EBRD sector assessment projects concern legal areas that the EBRD considers essential for the investment climate and private sector development. The aim is to compare the legislation applicable in the above-mentioned areas to international standards and, in so doing, identify the reforms needed. The projects place an emphasis on the written legislation ("law on the books"), whereas its application (“effectiveness”) is measured by the use of other tools3.
The purpose of this report is to present and analyse concession assessments results as well as the evolution from the past assessments. Such analysis supposes the presentation of Project components, background and methodology.
The report is structured as follows: after a brief presentation of the scope of the Project (Section 1), the concession checklist is analysed (Section 2) and the rating methodology presented (Section 3). The assessment process is then presented (section 4) as well as the "limits" of the final results (Section 5). Such results are then analysed by core area and by country (Section 6) and the evolution and trends discussed in the last section (Section 7).
Tracking Number: CentralEasternEuropeConcessionLaws_2008_English