Title: Bases para los Contratos de Acceso Ferroviario Linea Ferrea del Ferrocarril Arica a La Paz (Basic Agreement for Track Access Agreements regarding the Railway Line from Arica to La Paz)

Languages: Spanish

Type: Document

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Chile, Bolivia

Sectors: Transportation

Keywords: Contractual Provisions, Rail


Document Summary:

Bolivia - Chile Bases para los Contratos de Acceso Ferroviario Linea Ferrea del Ferrocarril Arica a La Paz (Basic Agreement for Track Access Agreements regarding the Railway Line from Arica to La Paz) published by Ferrocaril de Arica a La Paz (FACLP).

Document Details:

The railway line was built by the Chilean government under a peace treaty between Chile and Bolivia and inaugurated on 13 May 1913. It is the shortest line from the Pacific Coast to Bolivia. The Chilenean section of the railway line provides for an open access regime for cargo transport. In order to use the railway, line operators have to enter into a track access agreement with FCALP. The Basic Principles set out the key rights and obligations of the parties to such contracts. Track access is provided on a non-discriminatory basis against payment of a track access charge. The track access charge needs to be calculated in an equal and non-discriminatory manner and is based on the number of assigned train paths.

Related Information: 

Track Access Agreements - Latin America and the Caribbean

Shared Use of Railway Tracks

Railways PPPs

Tracking Reference: Bolivia_Chile_Bases Contrato de Acceso Ferroviario Arica La Paz.pdf

Updated: June 28, 2022